Kamis, 08 Desember 2016

My Top Recommendations For Things to do in MyTtown

    Hello back again with me! Now this topic is My top recommendations for things to do in my town. I'm a bit confuse what should I recommended. Well, because I rarely go outside. I went outside when there is a group project, to go to Campus, to find food, or if my parents ask me to go somewhere, like buy some stuff. But I think I will recommendation something to do in my town, if I met foreigners. I will tell them about a culinary in my town, Pontianak.
    Pontianak has 3 major ethnics, Melayu, Dayak, and Chinese (we called it Tionghoa now). So that means there are so many different culinary Pontianak have. First I will recommend a bubor padas to foreigner. I said, "Hey sir, want to taste "Bubor Padas?"

Bubor padas is a culinary from Sambas. But I'm not sure about recommended bubor padas to foreigners, because our tongues are different. Well, at least I try. But if bubor padas disappointed them, I will recommend them to my favorite place to eat. Salido! Yeah salido is serve Padang's food. Well even though its not originally from my town, but salido is my top recommendation if bubor padas not work. I'm sure foreigners love nasi padang, because I watch before a foreigner even make a song about Nasi padang, lol! 
    So that was my recommendation if I ever meet a foreigners or tourist around my town, well the chance is low tho, because I rarely go outside, lol. Thanks for reading this post, I will see you in next occasion. Bye~

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