Jumat, 30 September 2016

What is the Two Things I have to Bring?

Welcome back to my blog. So as I promised, now I want to write "The two things I always bring." Actually, there are more than two things I have to bring whenever I go, but I will tell you the most two important I always bring. You can guess what is the first thing I always bring, right? Yep! That's right. The first thing is my Wallet. Everybody have to bring their wallet whenever they go. Because wallet is the important thing for every people. You can place your cash, your identity card, driving license, and your ATM card. The inside of my wallet is, my Identity Card (KTP), my Debit Card, my driving license (SIM A and SIM C), and of course my money. When I forgot to bring my wallet that contains my driving license, I can get arrest by police. That's why I always bring my wallet whenever I go. The second thing that I must bring is my mobile phone. Why? Because mobile phone is communicating device. Not only for open social media, but also, I can inform my family if I have trouble, like accident or when I ran out of fuel, but I don't have money left in my wallet, so I can call my mom or dad to pick me up and give some money to refuel. So, wallet and mobile phone are my important things I always bring whenever I go. What about yours? That's all for my third assignment, I hope I can still write again on next assignment. Thanks for reading, See you again!

Jumat, 23 September 2016

My Favorite Selfie

Before I talk about my favorite selfie, I will tell you about the definition of Selfie itself. Selfie is a self portrait photography, typically taken with a digital camera or camera phone held in the hand supported by selfie stick (or just by your hand if you don't have selfie stick). Selfie mainly shared on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any other media social. So know we all know about definition of selfie, now did you know who is the first person to take a selfie? After searching from Google, I found out who is the first person who taking a first selfie. He is an American pioneer in photography, his name is Robert Cornelius. He took his selfie at 1839. And the first person who took a selfie in space was Buzz Aldrin. So that's all about selfie, now I will talk about my favorite selfie.
This is my favorite selfie. It's taken by me at 25 October 2015. That time my father was came back from Umrah, and bought this turban and give it to me. Then I using it and took a selfie with the turban and uploaded it on Facebook and Line Messenger. I get many likes and comments because of this photo, some called me an ISIS member because I suddenly using turban, I laughed hard back then. Well that's all about selfie and my favorite selfie. I am not a person who always took a selfie, I rarely took a selfie, even my social media like Facebook and Twitter using animation picture i stole from google. Its not like I'm ugly or what, but I don't like other people see my face on social media, because I just keep getting unfamiliar people who always adding me, and I accept their friend request. So that's all I'll be writing for my next assignment "Two things that you have to bring everywhere you go." See you later on the next assignment!

Rabu, 07 September 2016



Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I will tell you about the reason why I choose Math and Natural Science, Computer System Department, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak. I started to love computer since i was at second grade-scholer. My dad bought a computer to do his work, also I usually used it to play some games. I still remember we used Windows 2000 OS back then. And the game I always play is Megaman X, Chrono Trigger, and Lufia. I still play these game on this day. But at fifth grade my dad sell the computer because our family is on crisis statement. Oh yeah, the elementary school I attended was SDS Mujahidin Pontianak. After graduated from SDS Mujahidin, I attend SMPN6 Pontianak. My first year of being a middle-schooler is not good. Until then at ninth grade, i started got bully by my classmate, not because i do something wrong, but back then i have a very small figure and look weak in front of my classmate's eyes. And the after graduated from SMPN6, i attended SMAS Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak. Thank God, my 3 years being a high-schooler is the best year I ever had. I got my Laptop when I at eleventh grade. Then i joined IT extracurricular. On this extracurricular I learn some new things. I even install dual OS to my laptop, so when I booted my laptop I can choose what OS to use. The dual OS are Windows 8 and Linux. I really love about computer, programming, coding, and others. so after I graduated from high school my first choice was Computer System Department, Fortunately, I pass the Computer System Department. With this I will study hard and become the best programmer and helping people. Thank you for your attention. See you again on other occasions!