Rabu, 07 September 2016



Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I will tell you about the reason why I choose Math and Natural Science, Computer System Department, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak. I started to love computer since i was at second grade-scholer. My dad bought a computer to do his work, also I usually used it to play some games. I still remember we used Windows 2000 OS back then. And the game I always play is Megaman X, Chrono Trigger, and Lufia. I still play these game on this day. But at fifth grade my dad sell the computer because our family is on crisis statement. Oh yeah, the elementary school I attended was SDS Mujahidin Pontianak. After graduated from SDS Mujahidin, I attend SMPN6 Pontianak. My first year of being a middle-schooler is not good. Until then at ninth grade, i started got bully by my classmate, not because i do something wrong, but back then i have a very small figure and look weak in front of my classmate's eyes. And the after graduated from SMPN6, i attended SMAS Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak. Thank God, my 3 years being a high-schooler is the best year I ever had. I got my Laptop when I at eleventh grade. Then i joined IT extracurricular. On this extracurricular I learn some new things. I even install dual OS to my laptop, so when I booted my laptop I can choose what OS to use. The dual OS are Windows 8 and Linux. I really love about computer, programming, coding, and others. so after I graduated from high school my first choice was Computer System Department, Fortunately, I pass the Computer System Department. With this I will study hard and become the best programmer and helping people. Thank you for your attention. See you again on other occasions!

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